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Many buildings in a city

CaCO3 (limestone)




(greenhouse gas)

0.8-1.0 tons CO2

per ton of concrete

4 Billion tons

Concrete manufactured per year

4-8% of CO2

Emissions from concrete manufacture

SCMs like Coconut Shell Ash (CSA) can partially replace cement, reducing emissions!

Why the Blog Format?

One thing that always irritated me about higher academia is that it sometimes seems inaccessible to someone without the insider knowledge built up over hundreds of years. I know every time I research a new topic, I'm scratching my head the more dozen-page research papers I read.


Therefore, I want to create a comprehensive, but also simple and engaging way for others to become more involved and knowledgeable on the important topics and research covered here without unnecessary complexities. This means more visualization, thorough, logical explanations, and reasons you should actually care.


I believe that when we can get everyone involved in creating solutions, that's when we'll succeed in tackling the largest challenge of our times: the climate crisis.

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